该住宿计划包括藏王山直升机巡航和露营体验(含食物),从直升机上可以欣赏到藏王山壮丽的自然风光,包括 "藏王御釜"。
・藏王山水园租赁别墅”山水园 Michi”的住宿费用
最多 6 人(建议 5 人,但请注意,由于直升机座位的原因,可能会有一人无法看到美景)
■关于 "山水园 Michi
豪华的出租别墅被从天窗倾泻进来的温暖阳光所笼罩,与四季美景相得益彰。精致的拱形客厅和散发着榻榻米清香的日式房间,营造出轻松惬意的疗养氛围。在黑色花岗岩大浴池中浸泡天然温泉,放松身心。感受最放松的时刻。距离网球场仅 1 分钟路程。请在山水园 "Michi "度过一段特别的时光。
在预约和住宿时,请阅读并遵守 "住宿条款和限制"。
山水园 "Michi "是一座两层楼的出租别墅,配有天然温泉。共有 3 间卧室。
□1 楼
厨房(3 炉火燃气灶)配有炊具和餐具,供您在住宿期间使用。我们不提供食品和调味品。请自备。
餐桌可容纳 7 人。
□2 楼
* 日式房间(4 张被褥)
* 西式房间(3 张被褥)
* 厕所
□ 无线网络
客厅有一台空调。此外,还安装了 3 台 FF 燃气取暖器,可在冬季为您提供温暖。
“山水园 Michi” "是一座出租别墅,可整体出租,最多可容纳 9 人。房费中不包括膳食费。(请注意,餐桌为 7 人桌)。
如果有 5 位或 5 位以上客人,则每增加一位客人需支付额外费用。
□ 儿童房价
2 岁及以上儿童的房价与成人相同。2 岁以下儿童免费入住,但不提供床上用品或毛巾。
□ 生活用品
毛巾和牙刷将在您抵达时放在房间里。每两晚提供一条毛巾(例如,1~2 晚提供 1 条毛巾,3~4 晚提供 2 条毛巾,5~6 晚提供 3 条毛巾,等等)。). 无论入住多少晚,每人将提供一支牙刷。
*如果您需要更多毛巾,请使用浴巾租赁(330 日元/条)或面巾销售(220 日元/条)(入住登记处从上午 7:30 至晚上 7:00 有售)。
请在办理入住手续时或上午 7:30 至下午 7:00 之间,根据需要从管理办公室或访客站携带以下物品(我们不送货上门)。
本楼周围建筑物相对密集。由于该地区有很多常住居民,请注意不要在夜间进行户外交谈。如果有邻居投诉,我们可能会要求您立即离开大楼。晚上 8:00 至早上 7:00 期间禁止在露台上交谈。
原则上,请在下午 2 点至晚上 7 点之间办理入住手续。
晚上 7 点以后也可以办理入住手续,但请注意,有时我们不接受客人办理入住手续。
下午 2 时至 5 时 Visitor Station
下午 5 时~ 藏王山水园管理处
“山水园 Michi" 位于别墅管理区 "藏王山水园 "内。藏王山水苑 入口处设有大门,客人须使用入住时提供的遥控钥匙打开大门。客人不得不经大门直接前往 “山水园 Michi"。
从入口大门驱车 6 分钟即可到达山水园 “Michi”。
从报到区到山水园 "Michi"没有班车服务或出租车调度服务。请驾车前来。
■ 退房时间
退房时间为上午 7:30 至上午 10:00。
如果您希望在 7:30 之前退房,请提前与我们联系。
从东北高速公路的白石 I.C. 或村田 I.C. 驾车 15 分钟。
从宫城川崎国际机场(Miyagi-Kawasaki I.C.)经山形高速公路驾车 15 分钟。
从新干线白石藏王站驾车或乘坐出租车约需 30 分钟。
Prohibited items
* No smoking on the premises.
* No smoking on the premises. -No persons other than the number of people reserved (regardless of the length of time).
* No smoking on the premises, no burning of incense, no smoking on the premises, no smoking on the premises, no smoking on the premises, no smoking on the premises.
* Smoking or burning incense on the premises
* Cooking food that can leave a lingering odor, such as grilled meat indoors
・Pets are not allowed in the rooms
・Minors only.
・All activities that disturb the residents in the neighborhood
* Hair dyeing in and out of the facility, including bathrooms
* Moving furniture
Other precautions
* Please be quiet at night so as not to disturb the residents in the neighborhood. (The area around this building is relatively dense with buildings. (The area around this building is relatively dense with buildings, and there are many permanent residents, so please be especially careful not to talk outdoors at night. Please note that if there are complaints from neighbors, you may be asked to leave the building immediately. In such cases, no refunds will be made.)
* Please note that the furniture, interior, fixtures, facilities, and equipment are subject to change without notice.
* Please prepare consumable goods by yourself when you finish using them.
* Please prepare your own consumable supplies when you use them up. Cleaning supplies are provided.
* Please be aware that the property is located in a natural area and may be infested with insects and other pests.
* Please wash the dishes and utensils provided and return them to their original place after use.
* Please clean and return all utensils and cooking utensils to their original locations after use.
* We are not responsible for injuries, accidents, or loss or theft of personal belongings inside or outside the building.
* During the winter months, visitors arriving by car must install winter tires such as studless tires or chains.
* If you have car trouble in the park, please arrange for roadside service by yourself.
In the event of damage to facilities or equipment
In the event that the facilities and equipment are defaced, the actual costs required to restore them to their original state will be charged. Please be careful when using the facility.